The conference
November 19. 2019
Location: TBA
Two full conference days
November 20.-21. 2019
The Overflate conference is the industry's meeting place. The conference is deeply rooted in the scientific community. Central people and organisations within corrosion, industrial surface treatment and insulation are the creators of this event.
For two days, participants can choose freely from an assorted menu comprised of lectures with highly relevant themes. The conference also offeres an expo with companies from the industry. There will also be a Workshop on November 19, which will end in a get-together in the Expo area in the Grieg Hall.
All conference participants, exhibitors, sponsors and speakers are invited to a conference dinner with entertainment on Wednesday November 20.
Registration and prices
Conference delegate fee: Earlybird offer
The conference delegate fee for two day's conference is NOK 8 500,- + VAT.
This fee includes a full scientific program, lunch and coffee breaks both days, and the conference dinner on Wednesday.
Until August 31, 2019 you can get the Earlybird offer at NOK 6 500,- + VAT
Terms and conditions
All prices exclusive VAT. By cancellation after registration, a fee of 50% of the registration fee will be charged. By cancellation later than 30 days before the conference, there will be no refund of the conference fee.
You can make a reservation for accommodation when you are filling in the registration form. Your room will then be billed on the same invoice as the delegate fee. Booking of rooms at the conference hotels will be available until October 15th 2019.

Scandic Ørnen Hotel
Single room
NOK 1 330,-
All prices are listed per room, per night, including breakfast and VAT.

Zander K Hotel
Single room
NOK 950,-
All prices are listed per room, per night, including breakfast and VAT.

Social events
Tuesday November 19th, 2019
After the Workshop, all delegates are invited to a get-together. A glass of wine, light food and a meeting place for all delegates and exhibitors.
Wednesday November 20th, 2019
Nice conference dinner with entertainment in the Expo area in the Grieg Hall.
Participant list
First name | Last name | Title-1 | Company name |
Sigve | Aabø | Vice President Business Development | KAEFER Energy |
Eva | Aandahl | Senior Engineer | Gexcon As |
Svein Atle | Aanensen | Department manager | Aibel As |
Erna | Aarhus | Selger | Norspray As |
Erik | Aasbøe | Sales manager | Foamglas Nordic |
Dag A. | Aldal | President | ClampOn As |
Chris | Andersen | Production Manager | KAEFER Energy |
Thomas | Andersson | Sales Manager | Sibelco Nordic AB |
Lars Fredrik | Andersson | Feltleder | Beerenberg Services As |
Tore | Angelskår | CEO | Pinovo As |
Edgaras | Anuzis | Prosjektleder | Consolvo AS |
Arild | Apelthun | CEO | Beerenberg |
Kenneth | Askeland | Proejct Manager | KAEFER Energy |
Henning | Baann | Business Director | Norner As |
Håkan | Beckman | Sales Executive, Protective Coatings, Norway | Akzo Nobel Coatings As |
Lasse | Birkenes | Prosjektleder | Sts Gruppen As |
Øystein | Bjaanes | Principal Engineer | DNV GL |
Helge | Bjelkarøy | Project Manager | Bilfinger Industrier Norge As |
Peder | Bjellekjaer | Area Manager Nordics | PPG Coatings Denmark A/S |
Kai Thore | Bogen | Manager PFP Nordic | Akzo Nobel Coatings As |
Nedim | Botic | Prosjektleder | Beerenberg Services As |
Bjørn | Botn | Technical sales | Hummervoll Industribelegg |
Ole Jørgen | Bratli | Sales MAnager | Scan Tech AS |
Gaute Klungseth | Brattset | Student | Overflateteknikk VG2 |
Jostein | Brekka | Director Industrial Coatings | Orkla House Care AS |
Nina | Broch Mathisen | Regional Director | Innovasjon Norge |
Sverre | Brufladt | VP ECT | Beerenberg Services As |
Kjetil | Brun-Oliversen | Driftsinspektør | Oceaneering Asset Integrity As |
Hans | Brunvatne | Produksjonsleder | Beerenberg Services AS |
Egil | Brunvoll | Pensjonist | Ebru As |
Roar | Bråtane | Managing Director | Norspray As |
Torgeir | Bræin | Technical Director | Kongsberg Ferrotech AS |
Øystein | Bunes | Salgskonsulent | TQC Norge AS |
Carl | Burrell | Global Product Manager | Sherwin-Williams Protective & Marine Coatings |
Daniel | Bårdsgjære | Engineer | Beerenberg Services As |
Christopher | Carlsen | General manager | Kongsberg Ferrotech As |
Jarema | Chmielarski | Technical Manager | Armacell |
Cecilie | Clasen-Protuder | Engineer | JOTUN AS |
Ole Bernhard | Clausen | Metode Ingeniør | Kværner As |
Dinko | Cudic | Business Development | Presserv As |
Geir | Dale | Senior Engineer ISO | You In Equinor Bergen |
Arnljot | Dalehaug | Engineer Surface Protection/PFP | KAEFER Energy |
Øystein | Dalland | Fagansvarlig Overflate | KAEFER Energy |
Roger | Didrichsen | Senior Engineer Protective Coating | Norner As |
Stig Roar | Digernes | Purchasing manager | Linjebygg As |
Frits | Doddema | CEO | MONTI - Werkzeuge GmbH |
Reidar | Dundas | Lærer | Overflateteknikk VG2 |
Olaf | Døble | Integrity Supervisor | Vår Energi As |
Johannes Pålssønn | Edvardsen | Student | Overflateteknikk VG2 |
Gry | Eian | Senior rådgiver | Kiwa Teknologisk Institutt As |
Kristoffer | Eide | Engineer | KAEFER Energy |
Christian | Eide | TIAS Govern./Struct. & Mech. | NKF Bergen / Wintershall DEA AS |
Kjetil | Eikeland | Head of Section | DNV GL |
Erlend | Einevoll | General Manager | PSW Solutions AS |
Frank | Ekren | Prosjektleder | Kymsol AS |
Kevin Alexander | Eliassen | Student | Overflateteknikk VG2 |
Christian Bye | Elsbak | Engineer Maintenance Inspection | Equinor ASA |
Raymond | Engelsen | Administration Manager | Valhall Ngp As |
Leif Arne | Eriksrud | Sales executive | Akzo Nobel Coatings As |
Bård | Espelid | Business Development Leader | Dnv Gl As |
Sverre | Espeseth | Product Ownership Manager | Beerenberg Services As |
Stian | Espeseth | Ingeniør | Beerenberg Services As |
Sladjana | Evensen | Insulation specialist | Aker Engineering & Technology As |
Pål | Falch | Business Development | Beltech Solutions As |
Pål | Fanuelsen | Area Sales Manager | Hempel |
Arild | Farbu | Sales Engineer | BAGGES AS |
Tor Harry | Fauske | Technical Resp. Inspection & Surface | Wintershall Norge As |
Paul | Finn | Technical Services Nordic | Akzo Nobel Coatings AS |
Arne Iver | Folland | Technical Manager | Bsi Offshore As |
Steffen | Forland | Avdelingsleder Overflate | Nli Grenland As |
Geir Olav | Fosse | Manager | Kværner As |
Ingrid | Frost Onarheim | Planner | Beerenberg Services As |
Jan | Følling | Senior Project Manager | Oceaneering Asset Integrity As |
Kristi Beate Øvestad | Giljarhus | Prosjektleder | Equinor Asa |
Diego Antonio | Goncalves | Sales Manager, Norway | Gexcon As |
Håkon | Grane | Senior planlegger | Beerenberg Services As |
Julie | Grønvold | Senior Engineer | Equinor Asa |
Carl | Gulbranson | Daglig Leder | Clemco Norge As |
Tuva | Gullaksen | Konsulent | Overflateportalen AS |
Sandra | Gustafsson | Sjefingeniør | Petroleumstilsynet |
Johnny | Gustavsen | Distriktssjef | Teknos Norge As |
Adrian | Haaland | Engineering & R&D Manager | Beerenberg Services As |
Rune | Hagensen | Segment Manager Industry | Paroc Group |
Eirik | Halvorsen | COO | Kymsol As |
Alf Johannes | Hansen | Daglig Leder | Beltech Solutions As |
Ruben Kristoffersen | Hansen | Student | Overflateteknikk VG2 |
Thomas | Hansen | R&D Engineer | Beerenberg Services As |
Jon Øyvind | Hansen | Man. Dir. | CSD SYSTEMS AS |
Rune | Hansen | Salgsleder | Vestteknikk As |
Kurt | Hansen | Technical Manager | PTH Services AS |
Geir | Harris | SVP | Beerenberg As |
Magne | Hausberg | Company Rep | Equinor Asa |
Kristian | Henriksen | Ingeniør | Beerenberg Services As |
Gerry | Hilt | Region Manager West | Isopartner As |
Espen | Hjortland | Project Manager | Beerenberg Services As |
Daniel | Hole | Salgssjef | Paroc Norge |
Richard | Holliday | Global Director - H-PFP | PPG Protective and Marine Coatings |
Gøran | Holten | Senior Engineer Surface Protection&Insulation / TA | Aker Bp Asa |
Irene | Hove | Senior Engineer | Aker Solutions |
Oliver | Hugdal | Student | Overflateteknikk VG2 |
Kristin | Huseland | Principle Engineer Asset Technology | Gassco AS |
Rolf Erik | Høgsæt | Engineer | KAEFER Energy |
Geir Inge | Høgås | Ingeniør | Beerenberg Services As |
Geir Magne | Høiland | CEO | Nitrogas As |
Roberto | Ibarra | Senior Data Scientist in Industry Solutions | Cognite As |
Rolf | Ingebrigtsen | Vice President Onshore Projects | KAEFER Energy |
Geir | Instanes | Vice President | Clampon As |
Peter | Iverfeldt | Product specialist, Services | Roxtec Services AB |
Morten | Iversen | Principal Engineer | DNV GL |
Dag | Jakobsen | Supervisor Surface Treatment | Framo Flatøy As |
Jan Arvid | Jensen | Technical Manager | Hummervoll Industribelegg AS |
Øyvind | Johannessen | CEO/Partner | E Innovation AS |
Tommy | Johansen | Daglig Leder | Joma Trading Norway As |
Trond Erik | Johansen | Key account Manager | Isopartner As |
André Solhaug | Johansen | Student | Overflateteknikk VG2 |
John Kyrre | Johnsen | Head of Sales, ISO-EP | BAGGES AS |
Christian Espolin | Johnson | Group Communications Director | Jotun A/S |
Linda | K. Carlsen | Technical Manager | Carboline Norge As |
Kristian | Kaltenborn | Senior rådgiver | Kiwa Teknologisk Institutt |
Sanjin | Karaga | Anleggsleder | Consolvo AS |
Christian | Karlsen | KAM | Malorama As |
Andreas | Kjærran | Student | Overflateteknikk VG2 |
Merethe | Knappskog | Director Business Development | Bilfinger Industrier Norge AS |
Ole Øystein | Knudsen | Seniorforsker | Sintef As |
Dag Oskar | Koppang | Engineer | Kværner Stord |
Alexander | Korsgaard | Salesengineer | J.S. Cock AS |
Ludvig | Korsøen | International Grand Old Man | Akzo Nobel Coatings As |
Ronny | Kringeland | Avdelingsleder Struktur og Marine | Kværner Asa |
Nivedita | Krishna Kumar | Senior Engineer | Oceaneering Asset Integrity As |
Arne | Kristiansen | Project manager | Ifa Tech As |
Kristine Thuestad | Kristiansen | Selger | Vestteknikk/ Tenotec AS |
Reidar | Kvalvaag | Scaffolding | KAEFER Energy |
Ann-Karin | Kvernbråten | Ingeniør | SINTEF |
Frode Andres | Kvilhaug | Leading Advisor Surface Protection and Polymers | Equinor Asa |
Paul | Lai | President | Your Solutions Engineering Co., Ltd. |
Egil | Landro | Regional Sales Director | Jotun A/S |
Per Ove | Langeland | Fagansvarlig Isolasjon | Kvaerner As |
Terje | Langmoe | Salgsdirektør | Mal Proff |
Arild | Larsen | Sales Manager Nordics and Baltics | Akzo Nobel Coatings As |
Leif Inge | Larsen | Senior Inspektør | Oceaneering Asset Integrity AS |
Christoffer | Larsen | Surface Protection Engineer | Kværner As |
Kato Setiady | Larsen | Operations Manager | Oceaneering Asset Integrity As |
Rifnur | Latipov | Senoir Chemist | Hempel A/S |
Pål Eivind | Lervik | Fagansvarlig Isolasjon | Linjebygg As |
Damien | Liao | PM | Your Solutions Engineering Co., Ltd. |
Frode | Liberg | Markedskonsulent | Sande Gård AS |
Torbjørn | Lie | General Manager | Lie Overflate As |
June | Lien | Business Development Manager | E Innovation Norge As |
Ole | Lilland | Senior Advisor | Presserv As |
Øistein | Lillelien | Executive Advisor | OC FOAMGLAS |
Kjetil Daae | Lohne | CEO | Indikel As |
Audun | Lokøy | Managing Director | Bsi Offshore As |
Ronny | Lundby | Teknisk Selger | Paroc Norge |
Stig | Lynaas | Ingeniør | Beerenberg |
Andreas | Løken | R&D Chemist | Jotun A/s |
Kjersti | Løken | Integrity Manager | Oceaneering Asset Integrity As |
Trond | Løvaas | - | Beerenberg Services As |
Knut | MO | Key Account Manager | 3M Norge AS |
Vidar | Maarud | Industrial Customer Specialist | 3M Norge AS |
Knut Arne | Magnussen | ISO oppgaveansvarlig | Equinor Asa |
Leszek | Majchrzak | Industry Product Manager | Paroc Group |
Marius | Marker | Business Development Manager | Onesource |
Arve | Martinsen | Head Of Innovation | KAEFER Energy |
Kurt | Maurstad | Director of Sales & Marketing | Carboline Norge AS |
Thomas | Merenyi | Technical Manager | Presserv As |
Julius | Mikszath | Product Manager Marine | Paroc Group |
Tor Ole | Minsaas | Operations Manager | Norsk Korrosjonsteknisk Forening, Bergen |
Lars Kristian | Myklebust | Advokat / Partner | Advokatfirmaet Hammervoll Pind |
Ronald | Myrvang | Ingeniør | Kværner |
Rune | Nautnes | Sales Engineer | Jotun A/S |
Roger | Nesbø | Senior Engineer | Kværner Asa |
Lars Petter | Nesse | Salgsansvarlig | Norspray AS |
Karoline | Neumann | PhD student | Wood |
Chris Michael | Nilsen | Student | Overflateteknikk VG2 |
Rune | Nilsen | Technical Sales Support | Carboline Norge As |
Bjørn Odin | Njå | Technical Sales Manager | Servtech AS |
Tord | Nonaas | Prosjektleder | Equinor Asa |
Anita Leirvik | North | Daglig leder | Kis, Korrosjons-, Isolerings- Og Stillasentreprenørenes Forening |
Kai Gunnar | Nysæther | Technical Manager | Oceaneering AI AS |
Arve | Nåden | Sales Engineer | Roxtec AS |
Ole | Nåmdal | Technical Inspector | Akzo Nobel Coatings As |
Jarand | Nærland | Materials and Corrosion Engineer | Aker Bp Asa |
Markus | Nævestad | Partner | Rystad Energy |
Tim | Nøttveit | Proejct Manager | KAEFER Energy |
Eivind Robert | Oen | Training Center Manager | Oceaneering Asset Integrity AS |
Mike | Ogles | Director Global Fireproofing | Carboline |
Stig | Olsen | Project Manager | PSW Solutions |
Tor Egil | Olsen | Tender Manager | KAEFER Energy |
Per Olav | Ophus | Managing Director | EpoxyGrossisten AS |
Kristoffer Kristiansen | Orø | Student | Overflateteknikk VG2 |
Jari | Palola | Prosjektleder | NLI Grenland AS |
Bjørn | Paulsen | Lærer | Hordaland Fylkeskommune Opplæringavdelinga |
Martin | Pedersen | Technical Support Manager PPG PMC Nordics | PPG Coatings |
Geir | Pedersen | Marketing manager | Jotun AS |
Per Magne | Pedersen | Salgssjef | Clemco Norge As |
Stein J. | Pettersen | Daglig leder | Solartech International |
Steinar | Pjaaka | Sales Manager, Norway | ROCKWOOL Technical Insulation |
Kjetil | Pundsnes | Managing Director | Servtech AS |
Jente | Quintens | Marketing Communication | FOAMGLAS Nordic |
John William | Raa | Elev | Hordaland Fylkeskommune Opplæringavdelinga |