Exhibition and sponsors
At the Overflate conference Expo in the Grieg Hall, you will meet exciting companies with close ties to the industry, and you will have a unique opportunity to get insight into all of the latest news from the different companies. Breaks, lunch and the conference dinner will all be held in the Expo area.
The Overflate conference exhibition will contain over 30 exhibitors who will display their products and services relevant to the industry. The exhibitors will meet conference participants from many different companies, and have a unique opportunity to show their products and areas of focus to a very relevant target group.
As an exhibitor you will get very good exposure, and have an opportunity to reach all participants at the conference. In addition, all members of our database will receive information about all exhibitors and collaborators. This database includes many different traders in the business and their associated vendors.

Exhibits first floor
Exhibition/Single st and
NOK 21,500 ex VAT
Stand 2.5 m wide x 2.0 m deep, a total of 5 m2
Stand 2.5 m wide x 2.0 m deep, a total of 5 x m2
Power surcharge
Exhibition walls
Signed with exhibitor name
1 person associated with the stand has included access to the conference, including lunch on both days and the conference dinner
Option for up to 1 person per stand (stand personnel) at a discounted price of NOK 3,750 ex VAT. Stand personnel have full access to the conference, meals and conference dinner. Personnel beyond this must pay the ordinary conference fee.
Possibility to extend the stand to 2 m depth and 5 m width, a total of 10 m2 - additional NOK 11,500
Possibility to buy additional space for installations/robots in the Tech Expo on the first floor - additional NOK 11,500
Exhibition/Tech Expo
NOK 17,000 ex VAT
Stand 2.5 m wide x 2.0 m deep, a total of 5 x m2
Power surcharge
Exhibition walls
Signed with exhibitor name
1 person associated with the stand has included access to the conference, including lunch on both days and the conference dinner
Option for up to 1 person per stand (stand personnel) at a discounted price of NOK 3,750 ex VAT. Stand personnel have full access to the conference, meals and conference dinner. Personnel beyond this must pay the ordinary conference fee.
Option to expand the stand to 2 m deep and 5 m wide, a total of 10 m2 - additional NOK 9,000 (20% discount in 2024!)
Ordering in this section requires that the stand fits into the Tech theme (robotisation/automation/digitalisation/tech)
We can offer two different kinds of sponsorships for Overflate; sponsor and main sponsor

Collaboration partner (max. 5)
NOK 65,000 ex VAT (8 m2)
NOK 60,000 ex VAT (6 m2)
Priority placement in the exhibition area
4 pcs Stand 4.0 m wide x 2.0 m deep, a total of 8 m2
1 stand 3.0 m wide x 2.0 m deep, a total of 6 m2
Power surcharge
Exhibition walls
Signed with exhibitor name
1 person associated with the stand has included access to the conference, including lunch on both days and the conference dinner
Option for up to 2 people per stand (stand personnel) at a discounted price of NOK 3,750 ex VAT. Stand personnel have full access to the conference, meals and conference dinner. Personnel beyond this must pay the ordinary conference fee.
Unlimited right to profile the company as a sponsor of the conference
Logo on the conference website, front page
Logo on collected big screen slide (presented as a whole)
Logo in sending newsletters associated with the conference
Profiling on pillars linked to the exhibition area together with other partners
Option to buy additional space in the Tech Expo on the first floor - additional NOK 10,000