Exhibition and sponsors
At the Overflate conference Expo in the Grieg Hall, you will meet exciting companies with close ties to the industry, and you will have a unique opportunity to get insight into all of the latest news from the different companies. Breaks, lunch and the conference dinner will all be held in the Expo area.
The Overflate conference exhibition will contain over 30 exhibitors who will display their products and services relevant to the industry. The exhibitors will meet conference participants from many different companies, and have a unique opportunity to show their products and areas of focus to a very relevant target group.
As an exhibitor you will get very good exposure, and have an opportunity to reach all participants at the conference. In addition, all members of our database will receive information about all exhibitors and collaborators. This database includes many different traders in the business and their associated vendors.
As of today, this year's Expo is full.
It might be possible to open more spaces for standard stand exhibitions if there is any interest in this. Please contact us directly if you are interested in a stand exhibition at post@kulturoperatorene.no with your wishes.

Stand exhibition
NOK 18.000,- + VAT
Size of stand 2.5m wide and 2.0m deep, total of 5m2
Electricity in the booth
Booth with built walls
Sign with company name on the booth
1 conference delegate included, with lunch both days and conference dinner
Opportunity to register up to 1 person per stand as stand crew, for a reduced price of NOK 2,990 + VAT. Stand crew will have full access to the conference, including meals and the conference dinner. Other personnel besides this must pay the full conference fee
Opportunity to expand the stand to a total of 10m2 (5.0m x 2.0m) - additional cost of NOK 10,000,-​
NOK 18,000,- + VAT
Poster exhibition
NOK 3.500,- + VAT
Poster exhibition 1.5 meters wide
Poster walls included
It is possible to use a roll up instead
Every poster exhibition must be connected to one person registered as a full conference participant
NOK 3,500,- + VAT
We can offer two different kinds of sponsorships for Overflate 2019; sponsor and main sponsor

Sponsor (up to 5 companies)
NOK 50.000,- + VAT
Prioritised location in the expo area
The size of the stand will be 2m deep and 3m wide - a total of 6m2
Electricity in the booth
Booth with built walls (if needed)
Sign with company name on the booth
1 conference delegate included, with coffee, tea and lunch both days, and conference dinner
Opportunity to register up to 2 persons per stand as stand crew, for a reduced price of NOK 2,990 + VAT per stand crew. Stand crew will have full access to the conference, including meals and the conference dinner. Other personnel besides this must pay the full conference fee
Unlimited opportunity to promote the company as a sponsor of the conference
Company logo on the conference webpage, front page
Company logo on a collective big screen slide (presented together)
Company logo in newsletters
Company promotion on columns in connection with the expo area, alongside other collaborators
Opportunity to expand the stand to a total of 10m2 (5,0m x 2,0m) - additional cost of NOK 10,000,-​
NOK 50,000,- + VAT
Main sponsor (exclusive for 1 company)
Overflate 2019 will have one main sponsor. We would like to speak with companies/organisations interested in a main sponsorship about the possibilities of creating custom-made sponsor activities and optimal exposure for the sponsor. We have chosen not to predefine a set package and price for a main sponsorship, in order to custom design the sponsorship for maximum effect for the sponsor.
Examples of activities and exposure we can provide:
A large stand, with the best location in the expo area (see expo map above)
Conference delegate passes for several participants from the sponsor company
Access to meeting rooms for side events/company presentations during the conference days. An example could be a lunch presentation with invited guests.
We will help to facilitate social events in a private area, for example a pre-drink event for the conference dinner.
Possibility of a sponsor lounge in the expo area, where the sponsor may invite guests for different activities
Sponsor branding on screens/stages and on various conference material
Distribution of give aways to the conference delegates
Logo exposure/ads in printed materials and on the conference website/Facebook
If your company is interested in being the main sponsor for Overflate 2019, please contact us at post@kulturoperatorene.no, so that we can discuss how we can design a sponsorship according to your needs.